Monday, February 22, 2010

Still Moving!

It is Monday and I don't think I had a weekend! We moved and moved and moved the entire weekend! It was very difficult, but we're finally starting to see some results with the new place. We still have boxes to unpack, curtains to hang, things to organize, etc., etc....but we are slowly making progress. I am one of those people that is anxious to see results immediately, so it is hard to have to wait! Thank goodness for my wonderful boyfriend, my mom, my dad, and my brother who all helped A LOT!

Lady thinks we are staying in a hotel and is clinging to me each time we leave because she doesn't know where she is. Thankfully, my mom helped take care of her.

I do love to eat out, but all we have done is eat out since we moved for various reasons like the kitchen sink is not working!

I'm in the midst of having a mental breakdown. I will survive this, but I just wish things would work out sooner rather than later.

I will take some pics of the new place once it is presentable. Tonight, I am looking forward to watching The Bachelor: Women Tell All as well as the Olympics.


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