Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Day!

First off, thank you to everyone (Lindsay) for helping me out with figuring this blog-thing out! I am slowly but surely getting the hang of it! Whew! I had a minor meltdown on the first night that was partly caused by drinking a whole bottle of Riesling and then attempting to start my blog. For those that know me...perfectly normal evening...for those that don't know me...bad way to start off the blog.

Now that it is a new day, I am ready to attempt my hand at adding a photo or two to this post. Bear with me as it is STILL a work in progress.
Here is a brief recap of Christmas and outings with Lady Lucious, my dog. More to come about her in future posts:
The Casey family in my parent's new house!

Lady playing in the snow on Christmas Eve!

Nick's nieces, Maggie & Grace, with me at the Cheesecake Factory!

xoxo Court


  1. Looks like you figured it out!:) Lady looks so big in these pictures!

  2. You are doing great!! It took me sometime to figure it out too and I'm still trying :)
